Saturday, April 30, 2011


In this week we assignment we were asked to come up with a problem from chapter 24 or chapter 26 as a test questioin. I will be discussing the Claisen Reaction from chapter 24. the Claisen reaction is known as the second general reaction of enolates with other carbonyl compounds. In this reaction two molecules of an ester react with each other in the presence of an alkoxie base to form a beta-keto ester. An example of a Claisen reaction is shown below:
In this reaction the products are known to be beta-ketoesters which can be useful for synthetic intermediates. The product in this equation is the original ester with a acyl group added on from ethyl ethanoate. A test question that could appear on the test would be draw the structure of the product that would be obtained from the following reagents. Problem number two represents the clasien condensation question. 


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